N26 Berlin

The first verification
platform you’ll love

Hey N26! We’ll keep your users and transactions safe. Stay compliant, loved, and safe with Sumsub.

Onboard your new fans

Stay a brand people know for being the best in the industry.

Verify 14,000+ documents from 220+ countries and territories—in under 30 seconds. Check any kind of Proof of Address, perform instant Liveness checks, and deter even the smartest fraudsters.

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Video interview with love

Staying compliant has never been easier.

Perform fast video interviews and cross-check documents while you’re at it. Fully compliant with BAFIN and other regulations. Our German and English-speaking agents are available 24/7.

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Video interview with love

Keep transactions clean

Real-time and post-transaction screening.

Monitor transactions at every stage of the customer journey automatically. No more illegal chargebacks, money laundering, and financial fraud.

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Keep transactions clean

Trust G2’s Top Pick with your clients

Compare and see how we excel beyond our competitors in key areas, as validated by user reviews on G2