Address Verification

Verify user address
in less than a minute

No more user drop-offs due to lengthy checks! Boost pass rates with three quick address verification options. These can be used separately or combined for ultimate efficiency.

Document-based address verification

Effortlessly process tax bills, utility bills, bank statements from 220+ countries and territories. Sumsub checks these documents for authenticity, image integrity, and data validity, including expiration dates and address existence.

Document-based address verification

Non-Doc Address Verification

Instantly obtain up-to-date user address data from trusted sources. Sumsub uses government, credit, banking, and utility records across 38 countries, with more to come. Non-Doc Address Verification has gained global recognition, ensuring high pass rates and compliance.

Non-Doc Address Verification

Instant Geo-Based Address Validation

Offer lightning-fast user geolocation checks on devices that allow it. If users need extra documents to proceed, they can upload them in the same flow. All collected data is then verified against a list of forbidden countries.

Instant Geo-Based Address Validation
Secure government database checks

Explore our map to find out where you can use document-free or document-based database verification to eliminate onboarding roadblocks.

Non-Doc Address Verification

Customize flows for better results

Combine different address verification options, code-free. Adding alternative address check options increases pass rates.

Integrate your tech stack with Sumsub

Use Sumsub to integrate the services you need via Web SDK, Mobile SDK, or our RESTful API. Alternatively, you can use Unilink to onboard users via a QR code or a link to the verification form without integrating Sumsub at all. Don’t worry about interruptions with 99.996% uptime.


Don’t take our word for it.
Here’s what our clients have to say


Customer Success Manager at Bitwallet

We value Sumsub as a verification provider and as our partner. They offer a flexible product that we can adjust to our needs and a very strong Customer Success Team that provides suggestions on how to improve performance and achieve our goals.

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  • What is an Address Verification Service (AVS)?

    An Address Verification Service (AVS) is a security tool used to verify the billing address provided by a cardholder during a transaction. AVS validates this information by comparing it to the billing address on file with the card issuer.

  • What is the purpose of address verification?

    Address verification is primarily used to prevent fraudulent transactions, as it can help identify instances where a cardholder is attempting to use a stolen card. By requiring that the billing address provided by the cardholder matches the billing address on file with the card issuer, AVS ensures that the person making the transaction is the rightful owner of the credit card.

    Address verification also helps reduce the number of chargebacks businesses may face, which can be costly and time-consuming to resolve. By ensuring that the address provided by the cardholder is correct, AVS helps to reduce the likelihood of chargebacks resulting from fraudulent transactions.

    Additionally, an address verification tool can help improve customer data accuracy, which can be helpful for marketing or other business purposes. By ensuring that the customer's address information is correct, businesses can better target their marketing efforts and improve the quality of their customer data.

  • How does the address verification system (AVS) work?

    An AVS indicates the level of match between the address provided by the cardholder and the address on file with the card issuer. The AVS system typically uses the first five digits of the zip code and the street number to verify an address. The merchant or the payment processor can use the AVS response to determine whether to accept or decline the transaction.

  • What are the benefits of using address validation tools?

    There are several benefits to using address validation tools, including:

    Improved Data Quality: Address Validation Tools can help ensure that the address data entered by the user is accurate and complete. This can help businesses maintain clean and accurate customer data, improving their operations and decision-making.

    Fraud Prevention: Address Validation Tools can help to prevent fraudulent transactions by validating the address provided by the user against public and private databases. This can help businesses reduce the risk of chargebacks and losses resulting from fraudulent transactions.

    Compliance with Regulations: Address Validation Tools can help businesses comply with regulations requiring accurate and complete address data, such as GDPR and CCPA. This can help companies avoid fines and penalties and uphold their reputation.

    Overall, Address Validation Tools can significantly benefit businesses by improving data quality, reducing errors and costs, preventing fraud, and ensuring compliance with regulations.