Sep 26, 2024
4 min read

Proof of Address in the UK—A Complete Guide (2024)

Learn about proof of address and why it’s needed in the UK.

Proof of address is a must-have for anyone wishing to open a bank account in the UK. Providing proof of address may be simple for UK-born residents, but it gets complex for those who’ve recently arrived in the country. To resolve this issue, banks may substitute proof of address with other checks. 

We at Sumsub prepared this article to explain what proof of address is, why it’s important, and how to obtain it.

What is proof of address in the UK?

Proof of address is a document verifying one’s current residential address. In the UK, banks verify such documents before opening accounts to minimize fraud. 

Another essential for opening a bank account in the UK is proof of identity. Identity can be verified by a document with the applicant’s name and photo on it (e.g., passport). Clients, therefore, have to show two separate documents to prove their identity and residential address.

Proof of residency vs. proof of address

Proof of address verifies where you currently live (e.g., utility bills, bank statements), while proof of residency confirms legal residence status in a country (e.g., residency permit, long-term visa). Financial institutions may request both proof of residency and proof of address.

Why does the bank need proof of address?

Proof of address checks are an important part of a bank’s security measures. Banks verify addresses to comply with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations and minimize the possibility of accounts being used for illegal activity. By asking for proof of address, banks link each account to an individual.

To simplify the proof of address procedure for banks in the UK: 

  1. Streamline the requirements by accepting a broader range of documents, such as utility bills, bank statements, or government correspondences that are no more than three months old. 
  2. Implement an online verification system that allows customers to upload documents securely and receive immediate confirmation. Additionally, offer an option for customers to verify their address through a video call with a bank representative if they prefer a more personal approach. Ensure that all submitted documents are encrypted to maintain confidentiality. 
  3. Provide clear and concise instructions on acceptable documents and the verification process on your website.

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Other scenarios where customers need proof of address in the UK 

In the UK, proof of address is required in several situations beyond opening a bank account. This includes:

  • Registering with a GP (General Practitioner). To sign up with a local doctor’s practice, an individual will need to provide proof of address to ensure they’re eligible for healthcare services in the area.
  • Applying for a UK driving license. When applying for or renewing a driving license, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) requires proof of a UK address.
  • Enrolling in schools or universities. Some educational institutions may ask for proof of address for admission, particularly for verifying catchment areas for schools.
  • Paying council tax. When a person moves into a new property, the local council often requests proof of address to register them for council tax.
  • Utility services. Setting up or transferring utility accounts (such as electricity, gas, or internet) will usually require proof of address.
  • Voting registration. To register to vote in the UK, a person may need to provide proof of address to verify their eligibility and assign them to the correct electoral district.
  • Insurance applications. Whether for home, car, or other types of insurance, providers often require proof of address for verification purposes.

In all of these cases, acceptable documents might include utility bills, tenancy agreements, or government correspondence.

What documents count as proof of address in the UK?

Proof of address can be presented in different forms. Some examples include: 

  • Bank statement
  • Utility bill for gas, electricity, water, internet, etc. linked to the property
  • Letters from a recognized public authority or public servant/any government-issued correspondence
  • Current lease agreement with signatures of the landlord and the tenant
  • Credit card statement
  • Employer’s certificate for proof of residence

Additional documents may be accepted as well, depending on the bank’s policies. The validity of such documents also vary depending on their type. Utility bills usually get accepted if they’re less than three months old, whereas tax bills can be valid for a year. It should be noted that these validity periods are commonly used, but not set in stone. Therefore, individual banks have ultimate discretion over validity periods.

Proof of address for UK newcomers

If an individual is new to the UK, it’s advisable to set up utilities (to arrange for essential household services such as electricity, gas, water, and internet) before they move. This way, an individual can receive a bill as soon as possible to use as proof of address. 

In the meantime, there are a few options a person can use as temporary proof of address:

  • Employees can request a letter from their employer confirming their identity and address.
  • Students can ask their university or college for a letter with their address details.
  • The bank may also allow a current customer to write a letter confirming the new person’s identity or trustworthiness.

However, these documents may not always be accepted, so it’s best to check with the organization to confirm which documents they accept.

Are there banks that don’t require proof of address?

All major banks in the UK require customers to provide proof of address to open an account. Therefore, if you’re planning to operate a bank in the UK, you will need to ask for this document as well. However, there might be certain exceptions in cases when customers can’t provide standard proof of address. Instead, they may be able to provide:

  • An entitlement letter or identity confirmation issued by the government or local authority in case a person applying is claiming benefit;
  • Passport and university acceptance letter in case a person applying is a student;
  • A letter from a local authority in case a person applying is a traveler; 
  • A letter from a warden, a homeless shelter, or a refuge;
  • An application registration card from asylum seekers.

For such situations, the person should get in direct contact with the bank. The complete list of exceptions may be found here.

You can learn more about KYC/AML in UK from our guide.


  • What counts as proof of address in the UK?

    In the UK, proof of address typically includes documents like utility bills, bank statements, council tax bills, tenancy agreements, or government correspondence showing your name and address.

  • Is an NHS letter proof of address?

    A National Health Service letter, as well as a letter from a medical center or utility bill, can be used as proof of address.

  • Is a bank statement proof of address?

    Yes, bank statements can be used as proof of address.

  • How to get proof of address without bills?

    The Financial Conduct Authority, an organization regulating banks in the UK, has a list of possible alternative solutions that people can use to get proof of address. The best option is to get in touch with the bank and ask about its policies.

  • What is an acceptable proof of residency in the UK?

    Proof of residency confirms legal residence status in a country (e.g., residency permit, long-term visa). Financial institutions may request both proof of residency and proof of address.

AMLCustomer OnboardingFinancial InstitutionsFraud PreventionIdentity VerificationKYCProof of AddressUK