May 16, 2024
< 1 min read

Ask Sumsubers: What sources are used for Non-Doc Identity Verification?

Sumsub keeps getting questions from our followers about the specifics of regulatory compliance, verification, automated solutions, and everything in between. We’ve therefore decided to launch a bi-weekly Q&A series, where our legal, tech, and other experts answer the most frequently asked questions. Check out The Sumsuber and our social media every other Thursday for new answers, and don’t forget to ask about the things that interest you.

This week, our Chief Product Officer, Andrew Novoselsky, will briefly discuss the sources used for Non-Doc verification.

Follow this bi-weekly series and submit your own questions to our Instagram and LinkedIn.

Non-Doc Verification utilizes authoritative and continuously monitored data sources, primarily issued by governmental, banking, and credit institutions, which are carefully tested for both operational stability as well as data comprehensiveness and recency before their implementation. This enables verifying customer identities without their physical IDs being present. The customer simply has to provide their unique identifiers, such as their ID number, and Sumsub extracts all the information required for AML/CDD from these databases. To authenticate the ownership of this data and prove the real-time presence of the customer, Sumsub additionally takes the user’s selfie and validates their biometric data against the same data source used for Non-Doc Verification. An alternative to this secondary process includes multi-factor authentication of the customer’s device. These methods make Non-Doc Identity Verification a compliant way to onboard customers in many regions, including Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Malta, Seychelles, South Africa, the British Virgin Islands, the UK, and the US.

Andrew Novoselsky

Chief Product Officer at Sumsub

Suggested read: The Future of the Customer Verification is Here: Document-Free Methods and Their Benefits

Address VerificationAge VerificationIdentity Verification