May 9, 2024 | London, UK

Game of Frauds:
Navigating Evolving Threats

Join top experts at Sumsub Multiverse to find out the latest in fraud prevention, meet like-minded professionals, and discover how AI is changing fintech.


May 9, 2024


8 Northumberland Ave, London

Leading companies participated in the previous events:


Fraud risks are at unprecedented levels, with projected losses estimated to reach $10.5 trillion by next year.

Yet, AI is becoming the ultimate weapon in fighting fraud, securing transactions, and offering an immaculate customer experience. It’s a tricky beast—while fraud prevention tech gets smarter, so do the fraudsters.

This event is all about developing tactics that can handle the massive shift AI brings to the table. Mingle with the fraud-fighting elite, explore solutions that could steer you clear of the latest scams, and help push the envelope on stopping fintech fraud.


May 9, 6:30 p.m.


8 Northumberland Ave, London


May 9, Thursday

6:30-7:00 p.m.

Registration, welcome drink

7:00-7:40 p.m.

Panel discussion

Guide to Anti-Fraud Strategies

  • 2024 fraud forecast: How will AI and new technologies change the landscape?
  • Vulnerabilities that fraudsters could exploit
  • AI for and against fraud: Challenges and use cases
  • What innovative technologies are set to change the game in fraud prevention?
  • What does a modern fraud prevention response look like?


Arun Chauhan

Founder of Tenet Compliance & Litigation, Trustee Director of the Fraud Advisory Panel

Read more


Robert Brooker

Director of Partnerships at Altia


Pavel Goldman-Kalaydin

Head of AI at Sumsub

Read more


Raphaelina Arthur

Head of Financial Crime Risk & MLRO at Kroo Bank

Read more

7:40-8:00 p.m.


Game of Frauds: Don’t get Outplayed!

Take part in our interactive game and put your fraud-fighting skills to the test.

8:00-11:00 p.m.

Dinner, networking, drinks

What is Sumsub Multiverse Community?

Genuine talks and networking

No time wasted. Real talks led by leading industry experts on real-life business cases and best practices. Every member of the event is pre-moderated, so you can expect fantastic company.

Elevated event experience

The event is all-inclusive, with delicious food, awesome gifts, and live entertainment. Once you’re a trusted community member, you’ll get extra perks, including access to invite-only events, expert content, and unique networking opportunities.


May 9, 6:30 p.m.


8 Northumberland Ave, London

Leading companies participated in the previous events:


Leading companies participated in the previous events:

Registration closed